Sustainability Policy and Systems

Basic Policy on Sustainability

Our mission is to fully utilize our capabilities and technologies to create excellent products needed by our customers and society and continuously supply them. By fulfilling this mission, we aim to contribute to the sustainability of society, while being a robust company. To this end, we have established the following Basic Policy on Sustainability.

    Through business growth, MAX will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

  1. 1We respect people, draw out the abilities of diverse people, and empower people.
  2. 2We continuously invest in people and technology to create new things and experiences.
  3. 3We deliver user-friendly and environmentally friendly products and services to people all over the world.
  4. 4We allocate results fairly and appropriatel.
  5. 5We engage in appropriate dialogue with stakeholders and continue to enhance governance.

MAX’s Value Creation Process

MAX was established in 1942 as a manufacturer of airplane parts, which required the highest level of metalworking technologies of that time. After WWII, MAX established a business base by leveraging press technologies and wire rod processing technologies it cultivated over the years. Thereafter, MAX has introduced and developed technologies through corporate acquisitions and other means to expand its business.
Going forward, MAX will take on challenges to realize the corporate vision of "Making work life easier and more enjoyable worldwide."

MAX's Value Creation Process

Management System

We established the Sustainability Committee (chaired by the President). The purpose of this body, which is supervised by the Board of Directors, is to determine sustainability strategies to promote sustainability initiatives. We also established the Sustainability Promotion Committee (chaired by the director in charge of sustainability) as a subordinate body of the Sustainability Committee to promote various sustainability related activities. The Sustainability Committee will report to the Board of Directors on the status of deliberations and other matters and reflect these in the Medium-Term Management Plan and business plans. By integrating sustainability-related activities and business strategies, it will work to sustainably enhance our corporate value.
