Return to Shareholders

Notice of Shareholder Returns

Basic Policy and Past Initiatives

Our Company has positioned returning profits to shareholders as one of the highest priority management policies. In order to pay dividends to our shareholders in a stable manner over the long term, Our Company has its basic policy on profit distribution to "expand profits from business activities through sustainable growth and distribute profits in a stable manner over the long term."

Dividend Policy

In line with our basic policy, we have set our dividend policy to "Guideline of a ratio of dividends to net assets*1 of 5.0% and a dividend payout ratio*2 of 50%, as based on consolidated financial results."
For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, we plan to pay an annual dividend of ¥108 per share.

  1. *1[Ratio of dividends to net assets = Total dividends / Net assets].
    It is an indicator to see how much of the assets entrusted by shareholders are returned to them in the form of dividends. If net assets are not negative, dividends are always paid. We use this ratio of dividends to net assets in addition to the dividend payout ratio in order to pay stable dividends.
  2. *2[Payout ratio = Total dividends / Net income].
    It is an indicator to see how much of the net income is returned to shareholders in the form of dividends. Since dividends are linked to profits, larger profits result in larger dividends, while smaller profits result in smaller dividends.