Mid-term Business Plan

Basic strategy of the Mid-term Business Plan(FY2021-2023)

The Group will accelerate the growth of our overseas businesses and the transformation of our business model in order to realize our management policy of "continuing to be a company supported by the customers. " We will also strive to launch new businesses that will serve as our future core and to strengthen the management infrastructure for supporting those businesses.

Basic strategy of the new Mid-term Business Plan

Growth of Overseas Business
  • Accelerate the growth of the rebar tying tools business
  • Overseas expansion of AF(Agriculture/Food)business
  • Active investment in priority regions
Business Model Transformation
  • Strengthen the infrastructure of highly-profitable businesses
  • Promote activities in new markets
Launch of New Businesses
  • Medium-to long -term R&D investment
  • Investment in domestic and overseas development sales
Strengthening Management Infrastruture
  • Improve business productivity by utilizing digital technology
  • Realize a healthy and comfortable workplace at the company
  • Strengthen ESG and brand power

In the Mid-term Business Plan that started in April 2021, we will implement four basic strategies: "Growth of overseas business," "Business model Transformation" mainly in domestic, "Launch of New Businesses" and "Strengthening management Infrastruture" in order to realize the management policy "continue to be a company supported by the customers."

Numerical Targets for the FY2023

In the final year of the plan, the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024,we plan net sales of 87.0 billion yen, operating income of 12.3 billion yen, and an operating margin of 14.1%.

Amended January 31, 2024
Net sales 87.0 billion yen
Operating income 12.3 billion yen
Operating margin 14.1%
ROE 10.5%

Strategic Investment for Mid-and Long-Term Business Growth

Priority Policy

Contribute to business growth by expanding priority businesses and actively investing in the creation of new businesses

Strategic Investment for business growth
Actual investment
in FY 2021
Actual investment
in FY 2022
Plan for
FY 2023
Investment in enhancing operating infrastructure
・Establishment of new bases in Europe, the U.S., and Australia in the Industrial Equipment Segment
・In the residential environment stock business etc.
0.17 billion yen 0.32 billion yen 0.5 billion yen
Investment in digital techlology for sales and operational efficiency. 0.12 billion yen 0.16 billion yen 0.4 billion yen
Strategic investment in product development 0.36 billion yen 0.22 billion yen 0.6 billion yen
Brand strategy. etc. 0.03 billion yen 0.04 billion yen 0.1 billion yen
Total 0.68 billion yen 0.74 billion yen 1.6 billion yen

We will expand key businesses such as overseas business and highly profitable businesses, and invest aggressively to create new businesses, which will lead to Mid- and Long-Term business growth.
We will invest a total of 1 billion yen in investments to enhance operating infrastructure, including the establishment of new bases in Europe, the U.S., and Australia in the Industrial Equipment Segment, personnel increases at overseas bases, and reinforcement of the construction system in the stock business of the Home Environmental Equipment Business.
And, from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, as part of our R&D efforts, we have established three categories of new product development projects: market development projects, lineup expansion projects, and model change projects. In the development strategy investment, we will invest 1.2 billion yen with the aim of creating products and services that will contribute to the development of new markets.
In addition, we plan to invest a total of 3 billion yen in strategic investments for mid- to long-term business growth by implementing investments in digital technology aimed at improving operational efficiency and productivity, and in brand enhancement.